Wednesday, May 29, 2013

7 Day Challenge - Abs (Day 7)

So I totally finished the Day 7 a couple of days ago, but I am just getting a chance to write about it:

Side Plank – 20 (10 each side)
Rest – 10 seconds
Side Burpees – 10 reps (5 each side)
Rest – 30 seconds
Plank – Hold 1 minute
No rest
Mason Twist – 50 reps (25 each side)

I was being ambitious with this day. I think it was because it was the last day, but I went through this 3 times. Planks for a minute --- whew....This was my first time doing Side burpees. If I didn't hate regular burpees, well, side ones have definitely topped that! I loved the challenge, but more importantly, this regime got me working out again. I had lost that somewhere, but I am back on the wagon and loving it.

For results from this challenge. Yeah, I probably should have been better about that. People want to know if they put themselves through this pain and suffering, will I get results. Well, I'm really not sure. For me, I was doing a couple of things like running and following a Special K diet, so I cannot truly say that this Ab challenge will make you lose "x" amount of pounds and inches. What I can report on is with the additional things going on PLUS this ab challenge, this is what I lost:

Weight - 1.5 lbs loss
Waist - 0.25 inches loss

This is definitely not a science, but I will say what this challenge did help:

1. Feeling motivated and getting back on track
2. Having a new ab routine
3. Setting a goal and accomplishing that goal

With those 3 things, the weight and inches are really the icing on the cake!

I think I found a new challenge. I received an email from Fitness Magazine containing this article:

Wow Abs Now: The Two-Week Ab Makeover Workout

I flipped through the slides, and wow. It looks like a challenge. But I'm totally down for challenges, and it's definitely swimsuit season, so why not?? Watch out for my posts for this 2 week ab makeover, and let's see if I have the balls to post my ab photos online. 


  1. It's been cool watching you go through this challenge, and it's making me want to try it!

    ps- did you mean to have a link attached for the fitness magazine article? If so, it's not linked, fyi :)

    1. You should totally do it! It feels really good afterward. And yes, the article wasn't linked. The baby woke up from her nap right when I was finishing the post, so I had to hurry and get her. It's linked now.
